Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Waitangi and the Bay of Island

The Bay of Island is one of the most beautyful spots in New Zealand and we had fantastic weather. We went to Waitangi where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed but I'm not gonna tell you about that, just google it. The Treaty was signed where now the flag pole is. Visited a really cool Maori Meeting House and a Maori Canoe. Later the same day we went out of the harbour in a small boat because we had the opportunity to "swim with dolphines". That's what they told us. So we went out and after looking for a while we actually saw fins in the water. Don't have any picture of that but have some videos. Then we went into the water to "interact" with the dolphines and they were gone. So back into the boat looking for them, back into the water when we saw them again: gone. After the third time we gave up because the water was freezing and the dophines didn't seem to be in play mood. That was sad but ok couldn't change it.

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