Tuesday, October 16, 2007


So we went to Auckland then. The biggest city in New Zealand, a million something people living there. Was quite nice being in a proper city again. Went on a ship to the other side of the harbour and did a lot of shoppping but at the end the only interesting thing there is the Sky Tower. Higher than the Eifeltower by the way. (See...we win in the things that really matter).


Anonymous said...

das kribbelt so in den beinen wenn man da oben steht aufm skytower:D

macht mir freude die vertrauten orte wiederzusehen.

viel spaß

Anonymous said...

woow uve reli been everywhere where I have been too.it makes me feel jealous to see all those pics. ur one lucky tart!! :D
how r u anyways? bebo me!!
xx beans#1