Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cape Kidnappers

At the end of our trip we went to Hawks Bay and Cape Kidnappers. Did a safari where we drove through beautyful farmleand with many sheep. At the end we visited the garrnet colonies. It was amazing how close you could get to the birds without them even moving a bit. And it was so windy!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Rotorua is well-known for geothermal activity. There are a number of geysers and hot mud pools located in the city, and the whole place smells like rotten eggs because of them. We stayed there for a while and visited the thermal pools of Te Puia and Wai-O-Tapu. They look quite cool and have some random coloured lakes.

Rasta Sheep

Sorry forgot the best picture


In Rotorua we saw a sheep shopw where they showed us how the shear a sheep and all that stuff. Was pretty cool.

They also had very cude dogs and lambs.

Kauri Forest

Kauri trees are native to New Zealand and can get really old and really tall. This is the tallest tree in New Zealand. It goes on and on above where the picture ends.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hundertwasser in New Zealand

As we drove over land we had to stop from time to time in some small unknown place for things essential for survival ( food, drinks, toilet break etc. ). So one time we stopped in this vilagge announcing the world's most famous toilet. Since we really needed one we stopped. Turned out that the artist Hundertwasser designed them especially for that town, called Kawakawa by the way. Quite interesting and unexpected to find something like that in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Up North to the Far North

We went up to Cape Reinga, the most norhtern point New Zealands. Its beautiful up there with the light house and wide beaches. We were told the one picture below with all the water is the spot where the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean meet. They are crashing into each other or something like that. Wel maybe they are or maybe there are not and there are just rocks beneath the surface. Who knows. But it was awesome up there. And made me think of home because it was the "closest" you can get to Europe in New Zealand and the Austrian Kleinwalsertal sign on the pole. Have to say I will be home in nearly two months. That's scary. Time went by so quickly.

Waitangi and the Bay of Island

The Bay of Island is one of the most beautyful spots in New Zealand and we had fantastic weather. We went to Waitangi where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed but I'm not gonna tell you about that, just google it. The Treaty was signed where now the flag pole is. Visited a really cool Maori Meeting House and a Maori Canoe. Later the same day we went out of the harbour in a small boat because we had the opportunity to "swim with dolphines". That's what they told us. So we went out and after looking for a while we actually saw fins in the water. Don't have any picture of that but have some videos. Then we went into the water to "interact" with the dolphines and they were gone. So back into the boat looking for them, back into the water when we saw them again: gone. After the third time we gave up because the water was freezing and the dophines didn't seem to be in play mood. That was sad but ok couldn't change it.


So we went to Auckland then. The biggest city in New Zealand, a million something people living there. Was quite nice being in a proper city again. Went on a ship to the other side of the harbour and did a lot of shoppping but at the end the only interesting thing there is the Sky Tower. Higher than the Eifeltower by the way. (See...we win in the things that really matter).

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kiwi!!! and "Oops no petrol"

From New Plymouth we went up to Auckland. On the way we visited the Waitomo Caves where we saw awesome glowworms. We also ran out of petrol and had to wait for an hour till the guy with the little petrol bucket arrived. Finaly we were back on the road again. Later on we stopped in a Native Animal Zoo. It was first time I actually saw a kiwi in real live. Because it was to dark to take pictures I decided to try out the new video thing, dont know if it works. I never thought kiwis could be that active.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

North Island Trip the 1st - New Plymouth

Finaly got to update the blog with the photos I took on the north Isalnd trip I went on in the holidays.

Here are some from New Plymouth. The city isn't particularry interesting. We climed on this mountain, yes it was a mountain and had a great view over the sea but at the end we had no idea how to get down again because it was so steep but we made it somehow.
Our group: nine Germans and one Chinese. Ten altogether, one boy. Also two kiwi group leaders.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Just some pics from our formal, was nice but after all not quite worth all the exitment. Ended very early and they didn't have enought food for everyone but the band was good.