Sunday, November 18, 2007

Offically the last school day

So last thursday was the last school day for ever for me in New Zealand. The day before was prize giving in the town hall. It took three hours till everyone got her prize and it was rather boring. But the last day was cool and we ate a lot of food and everyone had to sign my flag. But it was also sad because now the only time when I see everyone is in exams which are coming up this week. So keep your fingers crossed and think about me. I need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jaja.. so gehts. ich wette mit dir, es is für dich total schnell rumgegangen, ne? meine 2 monate in frankreich gingen auch rum wie ne woche... und viel glück auch für deine exams... aber das is ja bei dir jetzt nicht soo wichtig, ne?
hdgdl, kit_kat_kumpel