Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It'a an animal, for real!

The Phasmatodea are an order of insects, whose members are variously known as stick insects (in Europe), walking sticks (in the United States of America), ghost insects and leaf insects. The name is derived from the Greek "phasma" meaning an apparition or phantom, and refers to the resemblance of many species to sticks or leaves. Some species (e.g. Anisomorpha) are capable of secreting a substance from glands on the metathorax that can cause an intense burning irritation of the eyes (and in some cases temporary blindness) and mouth of potential predators on contact....
Well so that's what good old Wikipedia says. This little fellow was hanging on the front window of the car all the way to town and back, pretty amazing.


Do I need to comment on this something???

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bread - Brot

When we went to New World yesterday and had a little shop, look what we found. Although I'm not a hugh fan of dark bread, after months and months of paper-like, white, soft toast bread it tasted absolutly like heaven.

Coming up...Christmas

"It is mid november, so why not buy a christmas tree. A very need thing you can get in different colours and sizes and the best thing: you don't even have to decorate it; its all done for you. Don't worry, the tree will last till christmas easily, even longer, actualy for ever because they are made out of the best chinese plastic you can get. It's an investment for life and everyone should get one.'
Honestly who wants to buy a snowy christmas tree when its 20 degrees outside.

Offically the last school day

So last thursday was the last school day for ever for me in New Zealand. The day before was prize giving in the town hall. It took three hours till everyone got her prize and it was rather boring. But the last day was cool and we ate a lot of food and everyone had to sign my flag. But it was also sad because now the only time when I see everyone is in exams which are coming up this week. So keep your fingers crossed and think about me. I need it.

Sun set

The Yacht Harbour at dusk.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Grass Drink

Cheers - Bought a "Grass drink" today from one of the juice bars. Its made out of pressed grass they grow right in the shop. The sign said it'd have the same amount of vitamins and stuff like one kg of vegetables but I think I rather eat the vegies coz the only word to describe this shots is "disgusting".

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Guy Fawks Night

The 5th November is Guy Fawks Day celebrating the day when soem guy (Guy Fawkes) tried to blow up the British Parliament and failed. Dont' ask me why they celebrate it here in NZ but someone thought it might be a good idea and we had a great firework at the the waterfront.