Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Weird World of NCEA

If u are wondering what this pig is doing on my blog, well, ur probably not thinking of Maths. Had an Algebra Assesment on friday, actually pretty easy, any way, there was this question: A pig is flying in the sky, (then an equation...) t is the time from when a passenger in an airplane spots the pig, find out how long it takes until the pig reaches a higth of 9000 metres....yeah thats excactly what i thought. Who ever had the idea for this question...awesome!


Anonymous said...

ein weiteres mitglied unserer willi-wurm-collection ^^
aber dann hast du in mathe doch wenigstens ein bisschen was zu lachen, is doch schön :)

fuzzyguzz said...

I have made a student blog on NCEA, with help/tips for people stuck in this awful system.

Check it out!