Friday, July 27, 2007

Doing Photography

As some of ou know I have Photography as a subjet. An awesome thing I ve never done before. We learn how to develope negatives and print pictures in the darkroom. From now on till the end of the school year we work on our portfolio for the end of year exams. I want to take pictures around the theme of people reading in unusual places, that's by the way why Josh had to sit on the roof.

It's a tough Life

After a hard game of basketball against Wellington Girls College and a night at the rugby .. Wellington Lions beat Otago 68-7 on a cool windy night in the Capital .. so naturally I was very tired and fell asleep in front of the fire again

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Te papa goes wild

Lili head to head with the stag. They said it was stuffed but i could swear it moved. Any way the picture was taken in the New Zealand National Museum: Te Papa. Free entry and a lot of interesting things to see, for example a shaking house that gives you the feeling you are in an earthquake. Really cool stuff there.

Harry Potter downunder

SO that's the the railway station a little bit transformed, Lili tried to get through the wall but didn't work. Well, maybe because we are muggel...

The Weird World of NCEA

If u are wondering what this pig is doing on my blog, well, ur probably not thinking of Maths. Had an Algebra Assesment on friday, actually pretty easy, any way, there was this question: A pig is flying in the sky, (then an equation...) t is the time from when a passenger in an airplane spots the pig, find out how long it takes until the pig reaches a higth of 9000 metres....yeah thats excactly what i thought. Who ever had the idea for this question...awesome!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A German Superstar

Freezing in the Winter!

There's nothing better then the fire place when it's cold.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Safe Travelling .. BineKiwi

4:30am trip to the airport this morning to say goodbye to Sabine (Kirchner) who is on the way home to Berlin ... sad and evn sadder that some people had to go to work this morning unlike others who could crawl back into bed !!!