Saturday, May 26, 2007

A night at the movies - Semi Formal

Friday - Party time

It was semi formal at school, a party to raise money for the actual formal ball. Everyone had to come dressed up as some kind of movie character. I was the Oscar, golden sprayed clothes and painted face. Well, everyone had to ask who I am, but at least we had a great time as u can see in the photos. Welcome to the world of glamour...

There were some cool costumes around. Here u can see some of the seven dwarfs hiding in the bushes and I am pretty sure that Pippi Langstrumpf is in the picture too.

The two halfs of the Titanic and different characters with the same hair cut.

More costumes, all the stars are on the red carpet

"There's No Business Like Show Business"

And finally...see me and my twin

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