Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Amazing Feat !!

feat: noun: a notable achievement
feet (Plural of foot)
noun (pl. feet)
1. the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person walks.
2. the base or bottom of something vertical.
3. the end of a bed where the occupant’s feet normally rest.
4. a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches (30.48 cm).
5. Poetry a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit.
1. informal pay (a bill).
2. (foot it) cover a distance on foot.

feet of clay a flaw or weakness in a person otherwise revered.
fleet of foot able to walk or move swiftly.
get (or start) off on the right (or wrong) foot make a good (or bad) start at something.
have (or keep) one’s feet on the ground be (or remain) practical and sensible.
have (or get) a foot in the door have (or gain) a first introduction to a profession or organization. have one foot in the grave humorous be very old or ill.
land (or fall) on one’s feet have good luck or success.
on (or by) foot walking rather than using a car or other transport.
put one’s best foot forward begin with as much effort and determination as possible.
put one’s foot down (informal) to adopt a firm policy when faced with opposition or disobedience. put one’s foot down (Brit) accelerate a motor vehicle by pressing the accelerator pedal.
put one’s foot in it (informal) say or do something tactless or embarrassing.
put a foot wrong make a mistake:
he never put a foot wrong with his hosts.
under one’s feet in one’s way.
under foot on the ground.

... so that's the end of the English lesson for today !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!