Sunday, February 18, 2007

Weekend 17-18 February

Saturday: hot sunny day .. BineK came over and the kitchen was attacked with brownie baking and chocolate chip biscuits

Chop chop chop eat ... chop chop chop eat

Bine. lick your fingers ... please

The awesome chocolate brownies

The chocolate chip biscuits ... what else is there for school lunches

Saturday night ... went to the Stadium with Anna and Bine to watch the Hurricanes play the Auckland Blues .. a very tight game 10-10 at half time and the Hurricanes finally won 23-22 .. a great warm night ... came home via Mt Victoria and looked at all the lights of Wellington on a very calm night .. awesome

Sabine' current favourite Hurricanes player
Cory Jane
Position: Fullback, wing
Height: 1.83mWeight: 88kg

Sunday... another really hot day .. Fay went to the gym .. the rest of us did the supermarket shopping. Anna, Fay and I went out to the Queensgate Mall in Lower Hutt ... more shopping !!!
Waffles, bananas, maple syrup for dinner .. YUM .. and then some homework ... YUK


Anonymous said...

I said I only like his hair and his back. His face looks like a...

Anonymous said...

Hi Bine!

whenever u're lookin for two awesome guys, just let us know. We are willing to have nice parties in and around wellington=)
Lookin forward to hear from u...

cell: 0210 24 16 125

binenz said...

what the heck..?

Anonymous said...

Help!!! Who are this crazy guys???

binenz said...

Lol i am asking u.. xD by the way, could you send me some pix u did during the rugby game? like of us 2 and of me and anna and so on? or just post them here and I can copy them!?
would be cool :)

binenz said...

by the way, have a look on m blog, too! its! :)

Anonymous said...

crazy guys? we arent crazy guys!
we just wanted to be friendly and incorporate u...