Tuesday, February 13, 2007

More Lyall Bay Photos

Kiwi speak for DOGS

"BineK" ...Sabine Kirchner

The Wellington South coast .. next stop Antartica

Modern telecommunication ... trying to get reception!!

Bodies and feet

View of Lyall Bay from BineK's house .. airport in distance extreme right hand side .. red lines on map show the photo perspective


Anonymous said...

very nice pics bine!
sometimes too much motion blur...
greetings from your cousin +katrin

Anonymous said...

close to emmas house :)[jeremy you know who I am talking about]
you seem to have a nice summer!

Anonymous said...

haha,good choose of a blog title jeremy! Wondering if sabine agrees with me :P i think u have 2 change it like every week or somth like that so everybody is satisfied! :P

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say: "JEREMY CHANGE THE HEADING!!!"