Friday, September 21, 2007


We have two very special events to celebrate. First of all this is the 100 blog entry. Quite impressive and it keeps on going. The second celebration has nothing to do with the first one but never mind. Considering today is the last day of Term 3 and therfore the last day with winter uniform I want to say good-bye to an old, not very much loved friend: The tie! 20 school weeks of my life I had to wear it and this experience will last till I don't know when. All those days with teachers complaining about not up done top buttons and loose ties are now days of the past. I can carry on without the bothersome long sleeves, tie and stockings but with a fresh summer unifrom. But still thank you TIE for strangling me all this time not.

My Name

For all people out there in the world: My name is Sabine. Had the funniest variations, especially when buying coffee at starbucks. Its not Sabina, Zabina and its definitly not Sibena. But nobody can say it the right way anyway. Its either Sabin or Sabina and I prefer Sabina because that's the closest you can get.

Thursday Rugby

For some unknown reason there was a Rugby game on this Thursday, althought they are on Fridays usually. I took Maeve to see the game becasue she is from America and never saw a Rugby Game before.

The Lions won a some random prize against Taranaki. You can't really tell but according to Jeremy that's your man, Cora.

A sunny day

The last week we had fantastic weather, sunshine the whole day. So we were sitting outside in lunchtime until a teacher came and told Janet she should rather finish her paintings because she's quite behind with her portfolio. We just moved to the Art room then and watched Janet painting. Still funny.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The International Student Dance Party

Well the first thing I have to say was crap. Like actually. Really crap. Had fun for the first 10 Minutes when everybody was taking pictures ---> see below

Eliane and me
and other people from school.

Anyway we decided to leave after one hour. (We being us two, a Swiaa and a German guy, some Italiens, some Spaniards and an American girl). For some unknown reason we were eating Nutella (lots and lots of it) and had a great time.

Maeve, an Italian girl, Markus and Eliane

Daffodil= Spring Time

Monday, September 17, 2007

I got it cut!

As you can see I've got a new haircut, hm what else could I say.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Thought it was time to show youour bunny rabbit called Arabella. In the last few sunny days she was running happily in the garden always stalked by Ziggy.


Yeah, I finally got a new camera. It's awesome and I took random pics all afternoon.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The New Life Fern

The New Life Fern is one of the native (I think) New Zealand plants. It is the sympol of the New Zealnd Netball team, the silver ferns. This fern grows in our garden. The round thing at the end rolls out and then it lockes just like a normal fern thing. But still, looks amazing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to the 20's

Was at Anna's birthday party last weekend. Theme: "1920's". Was wearing a dress from the 80's I found in the drama costume cupboard but nobody noticed.
We had to run around the house to find clues to who was the murderer (not for real of coz) of the other Anna. It was the lady with the blue scarf by the way. Was fun.