Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Our New German Student

The singing lesson - year 12 drama production

On monday was the performance of the play "the singing lesson". My drama class practiced very hard for several weeks. The play tells the story of two women teachers, one living in 1918, the other living today and the classes they are teaching with their problems. We performed in front of a small audience in the hall and the performance was a success. Had a lot of laughing.
There are some pics from the rehearsals.


Stacey (left) and Thesbena

Courtney and drama teacher Mrs Miller

Scene rehearsal from the singing lesson but without costumes.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Cars and Trucks Ball

Excitement on Saturday. Cars and Trucks Ball at Lifepoint. What does that mean? Well, you have to dress up as some kind of part of the road. Had a great time as a trafic light.
Grace (left) as a warning light of zebra crossing and Sophie as a speeding stop.

Kate as a part of the zebra crossing

Anna (left), Chris - Who let the dogs out?

Stage Challenge

Stage Challenge is a big event in the school year all over New Zealand. The schools have to create a dance performance and have to organise everything themself (costumes, props, etc...) One evening the schools perform and judges decide which school had the best concept. And this year...yeah!!! East made the seconde place. Our theme was the journey of a group of sailors trying to find treasure. Here some pictures from the full dress rehearsal.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Maranui Cafe

One of my favourite cafes in Wellington and there are many around town. This one is in Lyall Bay at the Beach and it has the best pancakes ever.


...and after.

Been there with Sabine K , went swimming afterwards to have a good excuse for eating so much. :-)

The Embassy Theatre

Have been at the movies today in the Embassy theatre. That's the great cinema at Courney place where the lord of the rings had its world premier. Was pretty exciting walking the same ways like all the actors. The theatre is really impressive. Magnificent room with a big screen and even the bathroom has a chandalier. Movie was great too. A very nice evening.

The embassy from the outside. Once there was a huge troll on the roof. (No...not a real one.)

The movie theatre with the screen on the right hand side.

More basketball

This game against Samual Marsden College nearly resulted in a win ... the difference in points was ONLY two !!! ... well done TEAM

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rugby Test ... ABs v. France

Wellington hosted the second Test between France and the NZ rugby team, the "All Blacks" on a wonderful cool crisp yet calm evening in the capital. Josh, Anna and I went to this Rugby Test and we helped Anna sell programmes for the game to help raise funds for CanTeen
It was a full house at the Westpac Stadium ... 36,000 plus and the win means that most will enjoy a great night on the town after the game ... especially in Courtney Place
Rampant All Blacks forward power and superior attacking skills in the backs ran France ragged in a nine try feast to win by a record 61-10. The All Blacks were dominant throughout playing with much greater cohesion and employing some deft individual touches spread right across the team. There were moments of looseness which allowed the French to snare ball, as when they scored their 15th minute try in the second half, but the opportunities were generally few and far between and well contained. Such was the All Blacks dominance that any French success was immediately countered with yet another try.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Photo like Blog Name

KitKats courtesy of Tony .. our Shell man

Saturday, June 2, 2007

See the beautiful sunrise above the Ngaio hills